Auto Accident Injury

Whiplash Injury
Whiplash injury is most commonly associated with motor vehicle accidents. The cervical acceleration-deceleration is the main mechanism of the injury. The term "whiplash" was first used in 1928 to define an injury mechanism of sudden hyperextension followed by an immediate hyperflexion of the neck, that results in damage to the muscles, ligaments and tendons (especially those that support the head). Today, we know that whiplash injuries frequently do not result from hyperextension or hyperflexion (extension and flexion beyond normal physiological limits), but rather an extremely rapid extension and flexion that causes injuries.
4 phases of whiplash injury
Phase 1
During this phase, the vehicle is moved forward while your body is not. Your back is flattened as the seat pushes forward which compresses your discs and joints. Your head will move backwards, creating a shearing force in your neck. Even though a properly adjusted head rest can reduce the risk of injury by minimum of 11-20%, most of the damage to the spine will occur before your head even reaches the head rest.
Phase 2
During the second phase, your body may move forward up to twice as fast as the vehicle, while your head continues to move backwards. This creates a shearing force and an S-curve in the spine and is one of the most damaging aspects of a whiplash injury, which can still cause pain years after your accident.
Phase 3
During this phase of the injury, your torso goes back into the seat as your head and neck accelerate forward at a fast rate. This movement creates a high risk of a flexion injury of the neck. A seat belt now takes the strain of your forward movement that may cause damage to your chest and ribs.
Phase 4
This phase is where most of the damage will occur. While your body is stopped by the seat belt, your neck continues to move forward. This creates a violent, flexion motion in your neck which can damage to your muscles, ligaments, vertebral joints of the neck. Your brain can slam into your skull which may result in brain injuries.
Spine Research Institute of San Diego (SRISD):
SRISD is a private research organization founded in 1984, by Dr. Arthur Croft. Since that time, the institute has been actively engaged in the synthesis and dissemination of information relating to a wide range of injuries and conditions arising out of motor vehicle trauma, with a special focus on the most common forms of clinical conditions which impose the greatest public health burden today, a burden shared by private citizens, their health care providers, private insurers, automobile manufacturers, and state and local government.
Since 1999, the institute has also conducted various types of car-to-car crash testing, using human subjects and crash test dummies, to gain insight into occupant, vehicle interactions with a variety of goals. These have included the testing and validation of special rear impact dummy (RID) anthropometric test devices, the validation of automobile crash reconstruction methodologies, and to gain a better understanding as to how changes in vehicle construction and enhanced public knowledge about motor vehicle safety might help to reduce the current pandemic of whiplash and mild traumatic brain injury.
Dr. Park is a whiplash injury specialist certified by SRISD.
Dr. Park can be found under the graduates listed at
One Stop Service
Dr. Park usually treats the patients with whiplash injuries by using chiropractic and acupuncture together which can positively speed up the healing process in most, if not all, cases. Whiplash injury does not require for you to visit many doctors to get the different modalities for the whiplash injury treatment.
Services for whiplash injuries
Detailed Physical Examination
X-rays (Digital X-rays) or SEMG Testing
Chiropractic Adjustment
Intersegmental Traction, Decompression
Electrical Stimulation
Ultrasound, Infrared
Acupuncture Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy
Kinesio Taping Therapy
Stretching Exercises